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Setting Up Future Financial You.

This is it. The finale of #ReachThoseGoals, our six-part series about financial well-being. The series so far has primarily focused on the practical advice and helpful tips that can put you on your way towards financial success. This article is about taking stock of the progress you made, and applying those new financial habits as you move forward.

It’s important to take a moment to reflect, not on the challenges ahead or the list of things that need to be done, but rather what you’ve successfully accomplished thus far. It’s really some of the best motivation to keep going and continue believing in yourself.

Here’s a set of questions to help you do that:

  • What goals did you accomplish that were on your list? What goals did you accomplish that weren’t even on your list?

  • What are the actions that you took?

  • Who did you talk to in your social circle and your broader community?

  • What budgeting habit(s) did you change?

  • What other results did you accomplish? (Did you start making other habits like making dinners more? Spend less time on subscription-based services?)

As you set your sights back on the future, make sure the next steps in your plan are crystal clear. Ask yourself:

  • How can you set yourself up for the next phase of your financial life?

  • What “trigger” or warning system will you set up to help you notice when things aren’t going according to the plan?

  • What actions are you going to take to build on past success and stay engaged in your finances?

Are there habits that could have a positive snowball effect on your life if you implement them? For example, getting outside and exploring nature more versus signing up for another streaming service. Or, coming up with unique and healthy recipes to cook and meal prep versus dining out as often.

Lastly, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and you can always keep these resources within reach:

  • Life & Credit Articles: helpful tips and resources you can bookmark and come back to any time

Now, you’ve defined your goals and taken a look at budgeting. You also have a better understanding of credit, and learned more about your financial rights. So, there’s nothing left to do but stick with it, stay positive and seek out help when necessary. Credit and finances are a journey, and everyone’s looks a bit different. Wherever you are on your journey, you’ve got this, and Capital One is by your side.