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Jody’s building credit for her and her kids.

“It’s important to have access to credit because sometimes there are surprises in life and you need that security blanket,” says Capital One customer Jody. “Especially as a single mom, you never know what will happen.”

After ending a bad relationship, Jody remembers how emotional it was to get a “yes” to credit from Capital One.

“That ‘yes’ to credit from Capital One was everything,” she says. “I had nothing. One of my kids was a newborn and I was left by myself, but getting that ‘yes’ felt like I had support.” Jody, from Caledon, ON, uses credit to support her kids, and feels secure knowing Capital One is there for her. “My kids are in a lot of programs and activities,” says Jody. Having a credit card comes in handy to order equipment or register online. “Even things like groceries or going out for dinner or buying a coffee, credit helps me with those everyday things.”

Jody has never allowed difficult circumstances to derail her. “Before Capital One, my credit looked horrible,” she says. “Capital One provided me with the opportunity I needed in order to rebuild my credit. They also put tools in place to help me build along the way. Now, I am proud that I am completely debt free. There is still hope and a future no matter how hard it is.”

Now, Jody’s credit-building journey has given her a new perspective. “The biggest lesson I have taken away is to be disciplined, and pay back the credit you’ve used,” she says. “There is a misconception that credit is a bad thing, but having access to credit is very important especially when you’re on your own single income.”

By practising responsible financial habits and staying on top of payments, Jody’s proud of what she’s accomplished, and ready for what’s next for herself and her family.

“I look forward to saving for the future,” she says. “I look forward to being able to go on more trips. I just took my kids to Florida, and I haven’t been able to do that in a long time.

“Even if you hear ‘no’ along your credit journey, there is eventually going to be a ‘yes’ in there. That ‘yes’ to credit from Capital One helped me have a future,” she says. “Take every opportunity and don’t wait. There’s a plan and purpose in your life, and if you sit back it won’t be fulfilled.”

We’ve given access to credit to over 4 million Canadians, like Jody. Ready to start your financial journey? Find out which Capital One product is right for you.

* If Quick Check pre-approves a card, you can be sure we’ll approve your application, except in limited circumstances. Some of the reasons we may not approve your application, among others, include:

a. There’s been a change in your credit file information, personal information or financial status from the time you receive your Quick Check results to the time you apply for one of our credit cards.

b. You’re not at least the age of majority in the province or territory you live in.

c. Your application is flagged for fraud prevention.

d. You have an existing Capital One account.

e. You’ve applied for a Capital One account in the last 30 days or had an account with us that was not in good standing in the last year. In good standing means not past due, over limit, fraudulent, restricted, or part of a consumer credit counselling program or bankruptcy.

In some cases, we may not be able to open an account for you even though your application was approved. This can happen if we’re unable to verify your identity, or you don’t provide the required security funds if you’re approved for a Secured Mastercard®.