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Christina’s story

Christina’s Canadian story started 19 years ago (but she’ll tell you it only feels like 5!), when she moved here from the Philippines. Her journey led her to Toronto where she settled and began working as a caretaker. With some hard work, she was able to sponsor her kids so they could come to Canada.

Unfortunately, a period of carefree spending and debt damaged her credit score and left her financially unstable. But, Christina used the same determination that helped bring her family together to tackle and improve her finances. When she was approved for a Capital One credit card, she was grateful for the chance to rebuild her credit score and help regain financial control. 

Now she thinks twice before making purchases, although she always finds a way to budget for gifts and special meals for friends and family. She finds the Capital One app helps her manage and monitor transactions and spending activity. And when she’s in a jam, she’s found the Capital One Customer Service Representatives really helpful and responsive. 

With her finances on track, she can focus on the next stage of her journey. And, now that the kids have moved out, she’s free to spoil her white pomeranian and two cats. You've got this, Christina. And we've got you!

To learn more about how Capital One can help you on your financial journey, check out some tips here.