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Aisha’s in tune with her credit.


Like many Canadians, Hamilton resident Aisha grew up in a household where finances weren’t often discussed. “As a kid, you think money grows on trees,” she said. While not discussing finances was done with the best of intentions, it led to a private adulthood journey of navigating the world of credit and finances on her own.
“I’m sort of doing everything by trial and error. No one really taught me to maneuver finances. Growing up, I could have benefited from open conversations. What I [took] from that is finances are your business, and no one else’s.”

Aisha experimented with credit in moments both big and small, from paying for school to discovering new restaurants and going to movies. It didn’t take long before she realized she needed some help. “I didn’t even want to look at my credit. I didn’t want to think about it.”

As her spending produced daunting statement balances, Aisha slowly started to shift her focus to paying off and rebuilding. Her behaviour and mindset began to evolve.

“I wanted to be in a better place in my life. I wanted to be in a better place for myself. That’s when I switched my relationship with credit.”

Now, Aisha is in a more comfortable place on her credit journey.

“I had to look at my credit as a relationship. I had to treat it respectfully, and not overuse it. I’m constantly building a more responsible relationship with credit. It’s give and take – if I want to be able to use my credit, I have to be able to pay it back.”

To make these changes, Aisha turned to Capital One. “I chose Capital One because they allowed me to build my credit at a pace that was comfortable to me. They didn’t force me to make exorbitant payments, or take on high interest rates. I could just do it and slowly build my credit.”

Aisha is currently focused on building her credit and being secure with her finances, so that she’s able to invest time into her love of music and the arts. And with Capital One Alerts, she’s comforted knowing she has reminders to stay on top of her payments and keep on track.

“The goal was to pay all that off so I can pour it back into my art. Once I did that, I was able to buy equipment instead of renting it. Thanks to Capital One, I was able to buy my microphone that I use to record all these songs, so I was pretty happy about that,” Aisha says with a smile.

“To me, credit is the currency we use to successfully build the life that we want.” We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Keep hitting those high notes, Aisha.

See how Capital One can help you on your financial journey, too.

* If Quick Check pre-approves a card, you can be sure we’ll approve your application, except in limited circumstances. Some of the reasons we may not approve your application, among others, include:

a. There’s been a change in your credit file information, personal information or financial status from the time you receive your Quick Check results to the time you apply for one of our credit cards.

b. You’re not at least the age of majority in the province or territory you live in.

c. Your application is flagged for fraud prevention.

d. You have an existing Capital One account.

e. You’ve applied for a Capital One account in the last 30 days or had an account with us that was not in good standing in the last year. In good standing means not past due, over limit, fraudulent, restricted, or part of a consumer credit counselling program or bankruptcy.

In some cases, we may not be able to open an account for you even though your application was approved. This can happen if we’re unable to verify your identity, or you don’t provide the required security funds if you’re approved for a Secured Mastercard®.